Our Story

Chroma Church was planted by Isaac and Hannah Surh with the support of two other couples in the Fall of 2019. They met weekly to pray and seek God’s vision for the new church. We chose the name Chroma because it means “the intensity of color as it is illuminated by a light source.” For us, this points to the truth that people become their vibrant, true selves only when the light of Christ and the gospel shines upon them.

Our original goal was to have public preview services starting in March of 2020, but due to the pandemic, we were compelled to change our strategy. For the first year of the pandemic, we focused on virtual ministry and building a tight-knit community.

In May 2021, we started meeting in person in Worthington, and in September 2021, we moved into Davis Middle School in Dublin. We are now in a season of reaching out to our neighbors and building our community.